Knitting – we are the home of authentic knitting vacations!
Our knitting tour locations span across Ireland, the UK and mainland Europe and we will design the perfect knitting tour for you and your group of knitters!
Travel companies, knitting clubs, studios, designers, instructors or just friends and family – all you need is a minimum of 10 participants and you can have your own branded private knitting tour in any of our locations.
We work closely with you to ensure you have the best classes, activities and accommodation in the perfect locations, to warmly reflect you and your brand or group.
We take you through everything step-by-step; start to finish, easy as a garter stitch!
We champion local and independent crafters, knitters and farmers who embrace sustainable and ethical practices.
We provide quality local yarn for all knitting classes. Our knitting instructors are happy and so are you!
We know many like to travel with a non-knitting companion and they are welcome to join your group with a non-knitter discount. We will keep them busy during knitting classes and they are welcome to join in everything else!
We have great relationships with everyone involved in our tours and we are constantly sourcing new locations, accommodation, activities and instructors to ensure we are bringing you the best in classes and experiences all the time.
Our knitting tours are expertly created and expertly run so your group have such a wonderful time, they will want to return – and they do!
We have so much more to share with you so if you want to know more, request our detailed private group brochure or just drop us an email or give us a call!