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Knitting Tours

    [post_type] => tours
    [post_status] => publish
    [posts_per_page] => -1
    [meta_key] => tour_type
    [meta_value] => tour

Knitting Retreats

    [post_type] => tours
    [post_status] => publish
    [posts_per_page] => -1
    [meta_key] => tour_type
    [meta_value] => retreat

Private Tours

Imagine doing on of our fantastic knitting tours with your own private knitting group or club. Your private knitting tour can include as much sightseeing and knitting as you want and you can choose your required travel dates.

Your private group tour can have as much knitting and sightseeing as you like! You can even bring your husbands, partners or friends that don’t knit and we can find alternative touring options for them during knitting classes.

We can make all of the arrangements on your behalf including Hotels, Coaches, Guides, Visits, Meals, Entertainment and Knitting Workshops. Our understanding and experience in operating general and special interest private tours will ensure your party will get the best out of their vacation!

Self-drive Tours

    [post_type] => tours
    [post_status] => publish
    [posts_per_page] => -1
    [meta_key] => tour_type
    [meta_value] => selfdrive
  • 14 Night:
    Southwest Ireland And Ancient East Self Drive Knitting Tour
  • 14 Night:
    South East, South West & Aran Islands Self Drive Knitting Tour
  • 10 Night:
    West & Northwest Ireland Knitting Tour with Castle Stay
  • 8 Night:
    West & Northwest Ireland Knitting Tour with Castle Stay
  • 7 Night:
    Southwest Ireland and Ancient East Self Drive Knitting Tour
  • 7 Night:
    Southwest Ireland & Aran Islands Self Drive Knitting Tour
Call us for more info
USA & Canada Toll-Free: 800 913 1135
UK FreeFone: 800 088 5516
Australia Toll-Free: 1800 508 558
International: +353 69 77686
Contact us by email
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2023 tours selling out fast. Limited places. Book now to secure your place and subscribe to our newsletter for new tours and offers.

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